We hereby inform you that JSC "National Agency for the Development of Innovations" QazInnovations "procures goods, works and services on the web portal of public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan www.goszakup.gov.kz
Interested potential suppliers can register on the public procurement web portal of the Republic of Kazakhstan and participate in ongoing procurement.
The results of all purchases are posted on the web portal of public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan at: www.goszakup.gov.kz
Procurements by JSC “National Agency for the Development of Innovations “QazInnovations” are carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Procurement of Individual Entities of the Quasi-Public Sector” dated June 8, 2021 No. welfare and organizations of the National Wealth Fund”, approved by the order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2021 No. 1253.