QazInnovations specialists, headed by Sanat Akhanov, the Board Chairman and leading representatives of the agriculture sector discussed top issues in industry together. The meeting took place by invitation of the the Auyl Party. Prior to the start of foresight research in AgriTech field by the QazInnovations National Agency, collaborations with industry experts are very important. During the discussions, the pain points of the agricultural sector, tasks, challenges, plans were touched upon. Kairat Aytuganov and Toleutai Rakhimbekov (party leaders) expressed their gratitude for the serious approach to the agroindustry by QazInnovations. Participants are interested and ready to support research with knowledge and practices. Reference: the AgriTech (agrotechnologies) – one of the three main areas identified by the Technological Policy Council under the Kazakhstani Government for in-depth analysis of the industry.