Members of the acceleration group:
Aituganov Kairat Kapparovich – Deputy Chairman of the People's Democratic Patriotic Party "Auyl";
Kadirov Bagdat – expert in the field of "Crop production";
Nina Adamovna Shestakova - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Agriculture and Plant Growing at S.Seifullin KazATU;
Nadezhda Filippova, Head of the Laboratory of Perennial Herbs;
Kiyas Aldabergen Aldongarovich, Acting Head of the Department of Agriculture;
Bekeshev Baurzhan Zhaugashevich, leading economist, specialist in commercialization;
Serik Khamzin – Chief agronomist of "Experimental farm of oilseeds" LLP, East Kazakhstan region;
Soloviev Oleg Yurievich – Deputy . Director of Science, LLP "SHOS", North Kazakhstan region;
Vladimir Anatolyevich Chudinov – Deputy . Director of Science, LLP "Karabalykskaya SHOS, Kostanay region;
Yerzhan Toktasynuly Ainabekov – Deputy Chairman of the Management Board
JSC "Kazakhstan Agrarian Expertise", a subsidiary of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Lang Nikolay Petrovich, chief seed grower of LLP "SHOS";
Shvidchenko Vladimir Korneevich, breeder of LLP "SHOS".
Additionally, there were about 40 participants (farmers, etc.).