QazInnovations is a national development institute in the field of innovative development and innovation observatory, one of the main tasks of QazInnovations is the implementation of state support mechanisms for business incubation, acceleration of startups.
The goal is to support business incubators to increase the level of entrepreneurial culture, expand entrepreneurship support and train qualified personnel in the field of SMEs.
In the period from April 10 to May 12 of this year, applications for the provision of business incubation services were announced.
37 applications were submitted.
According to the results of the competitive selection, 21 business incubators from 10 regions of the country were declared winners. Thus, beginning startups starting their own business get a unique opportunity to complete a business incubation program for free: from developing a business strategy to entering the market with the support of professionals.
For the purpose of transparent and comprehensive consideration of applications, independent members of the Grant Financing Council (hereinafter referred to as the GFS) decide whether to provide funding or to refuse to provide it to the applicant. The table below shows the estimates of the GFS.