The first regional "ITII HACKATHON-2023" was held at the Taraz International Innovation Institute (MTII). It was attended by students of universities, colleges, schools, IT-specialists and mentors. According to the terms, applicants had to solve the proposed tasks from sponsors within more than 2 weeks: creation of a mobile application, chat bot, website, etc. The winners are following: 💢the "GOLDEN BAJ" team of 10th grade students of secondary school No. 11, Zhualyn district, with the project "Mobile application, Taraz city". Team members received an educational grant from MTII; 💢"BCC Chat bot" team of Zhambyl Innovation Higher College students. Prize in the amount of 500 thousand tenge; 💢the team of the specialized lyceum for gifted children "Besties", which developed a platform for freelancers, won a prize of 250 thousand tenge; 💢"Ctrl C" , Zhambyl Polytechnic Higher College team received 200 thousand tenge in prize for the platform for studying abroad. The members of the jury also encouraged other projects completed in accordance with the requirements. In 2022, QazInnovations provided financial support for the establishment a regional business incubator at MTII.