To the attention of the medical community of Kazakhstan We invite you to a round table dedicated to Technological Forecasting in MedTech. The organizer is the QazInnovations National Agency. Among the participants: representatives of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the RoK, the Ministry of Healthcare of the RoK and other interested government agencies, national companies, as well as specialists from medical organizations, universities, scientists, etc. Moderator: Kuat Amir, MedTech Foresight Research Project Manager, QazInnovations. In the agenda speeches by industry experts, presentations, discussions. The main goal – to discuss the interim results of the foresight study and receive feedback from the medical community. 📌Date & time: April 14, 2023, 15:00 📌Address: 57A, Mangilik El avenue, KAZPATENT building, Astana, Kazakhstan 📌Registration via link:https://forms.gle/FHTrEPRAEZopjLjK9